
Halliburton Releases Third Quarter Earnings, Up Significantly Over Prior Year And Previous Quarter

DALLAS, Oct. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Halliburton Company (NYSE: HAL) reported today that 2000 third quarter net income was $157 million ($0.35 per share diluted), representing a 109 percent increase over the prior quarter, and a 171 percent increase compared to the third quarter of 1999.

Revenues from continuing operations were $3 billion, representing an increase of $156 million on a sequential basis. Operating income followed suit, increasing $122 million over the same period. Compared to the prior year's quarter, operating income increased $167 million on increased revenues.

Two nonrecurring items affected the third quarter. Operating results benefited from an $88 million pre-tax gain ($0.12 per share diluted, after tax) on the sale of marine vessels and were reduced by a $9 million pre-tax expense ($0.01 per share diluted, after tax) associated with the early retirement of the previous chairman of the Company. Without these items, operating income increased over 100 percent year-over-year and 34 percent sequentially. Net income excluding these items was $109 million ($0.24 cents per share diluted).

Dave Lesar, Halliburton's chairman of the board, president and chief executive officer, said, "I am very pleased with the Company's growth in earnings, which were driven by substantial operating improvements in our Energy Services Group. As activity levels within the oil and gas industry have continued to accelerate, we have increased our capacity utilization, especially in North America. Combined with the effects of stronger pricing of products and services within Halliburton Energy Services, we have been able to continue our strong performance that began earlier this year."

2000 Third Quarter Segment Results

The Energy Services Group business segment's 2000 third quarter revenues were $2 billion, representing a 19 percent increase year-over-year and a 7 percent increase sequentially. The Halliburton Energy Services business unit led the segment with a 31 percent quarterly increase in revenues year- over-year and a 9 percent increase sequentially.

Geographically, the Energy Services Group business segment's United States revenues increased 53 percent year-over-year and 20 percent sequentially. International revenues increased five percent year-over-year and were flat sequentially. In total, international revenues represented 63 percent of the segment's revenues for the quarter.

The Energy Services Group segment's 2000 third quarter operating income of $233 million increased $177 million from the year ago quarter and $126 million sequentially. Excluding the $88 million gain on the sale of marine vessels, operating income for the quarter increased 159 percent year-over-year and 36 percent sequentially. These improvements in operating income primarily resulted from higher capacity utilization and price improvements within Halliburton Energy Services, where incremental margins were 30 percent year-over-year and 28 percent sequentially. Excluding the gain on the sale of marine vessels, Brown & Root Energy Services' operating income of $10 million was negatively impacted by continuing low capacity utilization and by delayed customer projects. Increased sales and profitability on software at Landmark Graphics contributed to the segment's improved operating income.

The Engineering and Construction Group business segment's revenues in the 2000 third quarter were $1 billion, a 3 percent increase sequentially but a 21 percent decline from the year ago quarter. Most of the decline was attributable to reduced customer spending associated with Kellogg Brown & Root's downstream petroleum industry business. Operating income from the Engineering and Construction Group in the 2000 third quarter was $41 million, up $5 million sequentially and flat compared to the year ago quarter.

Discontinued Operations

Earlier this year we announced plans to sell our Dresser Equipment Group's business units to sharpen focus on our core business activities. Therefore, such businesses are accounted for as discontinued operations. Net income from discontinued operations in the 2000 third quarter was $27 million ($0.06 per share diluted) compared to $20 million ($0.04 per share diluted) in the year ago quarter. Sale of the Group's business units is expected to be completed before the end of the first quarter of 2001.

Technology and Business Successes

During the last three months, Halliburton achieved a number of technology and business successes, including:

  • Halliburton Company acquired a 15 percent equity position in Petroleum Place, Inc., a leading industry Internet company focused on the global oil and gas property acquisition and divestiture market. Landmark Graphics Corporation, a Halliburton Company, will form a strategic alliance with Petroleum Place to provide online access to relevant Landmark software for use in the acquisition and development process, and will participate in joint software development for Internet-based property evaluations.

  • Halliburton Energy Services announced the introduction of DeepWater Flo-Stop(TM) (DWFS) 5000 -- a single liquid additive used to control hazardous shallow water flow zones while cementing in deepwater. The additive can be used with cement already on the rig; thus, eliminating the logistics, rig-time and bulk transfer problems generally associated with costly specialty blends.

  • Baroid Drilling Fluids, a product-service line of Halliburton Energy Services, participated in drilling one of the world's most extreme inclination wells -- at an angle of 164.7 degrees -- offshore East Asia. Utilizing Baroid's PETROFREE drilling fluid system, the Operator was able to successfully drill the world record well while minimizing potential risks to the environment.

  • Halliburton Energy Services entered into a strategic agreement with 4th Wave Imaging Corporation to offer 3D time-lapse vertical seismic profile services to oil and gas producing companies. The agreement brings together Halliburton's global leadership in providing reservoir management solutions with 4th Wave Imaging's industry recognized expertise in time-lapse 3D surface seismic data analysis and interpretation (commonly referred to as 4D seismic).

  • Halliburton Energy Services introduced two new cementing unit designs that will integrate the proven pumping and mixing systems its customers have come to expect, with innovative safety and technologically-advanced features. As a result of the growing demand for the company's products and services, more than 60 new cementing units -- consisting of the Elite(TM) model, along with the Precision(TM) model -- will be manufactured and deployed throughout North America over the next 12 months.

  • Halliburton Energy Services has been selected by Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC) and its partners to provide cementing and drilling fluids services on Shell's EA Development offshore Nigeria. This 54-well project is the first major offshore oil and gas development for SPDC in Nigeria and is expected to begin operations in April 2001. The contract is valued at approximately $50 million.

       This is the same development for which, earlier this year, SPDC
       awarded Brown & Root Energy Services an engineering, procurement,
       installation and commission lump sum contract that includes
       fabrication of a mooring facility and one of the largest floating
       production, storage and offloading vessels built in the last five
       years.  That contract is valued at approximately $300 million.

  • Brown & Root Services has been awarded a contract by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to provide integrated project management, integrated logistics support, and data management to eliminate Russian Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles and their silos. The project, under the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, consists of a two-year base agreement with seven option years. The project has a maximum value of $283 million and is currently in the start-up phase.

Halliburton Company, founded in 1919, is the world's largest provider of products and services to the petroleum and energy industries. The company serves its customers with a broad range of products and services through its Energy Services Group and Engineering and Construction Group business segments. The company's World Wide Web site can be accessed at

NOTE: In accordance with the Safe Harbor provisions of the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Halliburton Company cautions that
statements in this press release which are forward looking and which provide
other than historical information involve risks and uncertainties that may
impact the company's actual results of operations. Please see Halliburton's
Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2000 for a more complete discussion
of such risk factors.
                             HALLIBURTON COMPANY
                      Consolidated Statements of Income

                                     Third Quarter Ended   Nine Months Ended
                                        September 30         September 30
                                      2000       1999       2000      1999
                                    Millions of dollars except per share data
    Energy Services Group             $2,021     $1,700    $5,641    $5,134
    Engineering and Construction
     Group                             1,003      1,273     3,110     4,153
      Total revenues                  $3,024     $2,973    $8,751    $9,287

    Operating income
    Energy Services Group *             $233        $56      $402      $162
    Engineering and Construction Group    41         41       113       163
    General corporate                    (26)       (16)      (60)      (50)
    Special charges and credits          ---        ---       ---        47
      Total operating income             248         81       455       322

    Interest expense                     (38)       (38)     (104)     (106)
    Interest income                        6         31        16        68
    Foreign currency gains (losses), net   4         (4)       (3)       (2)
    Other nonoperating, net               (1)        (1)       (1)      (25)
    Income from continuing operations
     before income taxes, minority
     interests, and change in accounting
     method                              219         69       363       257
    Provision for income taxes           (84)       (27)     (140)      (98)
    Minority interest in net income
     of subsidiaries                      (5)        (4)      (14)      (13)
    Income from continuing operations
     before change in accounting
     method                              130         38       209       146
    Discontinued operations:
    Income from discontinued operations   27         20        72        76
    Gain on disposal of discontinued
     operations                          ---        ---       215       ---
      Total discontinued operations       27         20       287        76
    Cumulative effect of change in
     accounting method, net              ---        ---       ---       (19)
    Net income                          $157        $58      $496      $203

    Basic income per share:
    Continuing operations before
     change in accounting method       $0.29      $0.09     $0.47     $0.33
    Income from discontinued
     operations                         0.06       0.04      0.16      0.17
                                        0.35       0.13      0.63      0.50
    Gain on disposal of discontinued
     operations                          ---        ---      0.49       ---
    Change in accounting method          ---        ---       ---     (0.04)
    Net income                         $0.35      $0.13     $1.12     $0.46

    Diluted income per share:
    Continuing operations before
     change in accounting method       $0.29      $0.09     $0.47     $0.33
    Income from discontinued
     operations                         0.06       0.04      0.16      0.17
                                        0.35       0.13      0.63      0.50
    Gain on disposal of discontinued
     operations                          ---        ---      0.48       ---
    Change in accounting method          ---        ---       ---     (0.04)
    Net income                         $0.35      $0.13     $1.11     $0.46

    Basic average common shares
     outstanding                         445        441       444       440

    Diluted average common shares
     outstanding                         451        445       448       443

  • Includes $88m gain on sale of marine vessels in the third quarter ended and nine months ended September 30, 2000.

                             HALLIBURTON COMPANY
                        Pro Forma Statements of Income

                                     Third Quarter Ended   Nine Months Ended
                                        September 30          September 30
                                      2000       1999       2000      1999
                                    Millions of dollars except per share data
    Energy Services Group             $2,021     $1,700    $5,641    $5,134
    Engineering and Construction
     Group                             1,003      1,273     3,110     4,153
    Dresser Equipment Group              346        560     1,037     1,840
      Total revenues                  $3,370     $3,533    $9,788   $11,127

    Operating income
    Energy Services Group *             $233        $56      $402      $162
    Engineering and Construction Group    41         41       113       163
    Dresser Equipment Group               42         33       115       140
    General corporate                    (26)       (16)      (60)      (50)
    Special charges and credits          ---        ---       ---        47
      Total operating income             290        114       570       462

    Interest expense                     (39)       (38)     (107)     (108)
    Interest income                        7         32        19        70
    Foreign currency gains (losses), net   4         (4)       (2)       (1)
    Other nonoperating, net               (1)        (1)       (1)      (25)
    Pro forma income before income taxes,
     minority interests, and change in
     accounting method                   261        103       479       398
    Provision for income taxes           (99)       (40)     (184)     (153)
    Minority interest in net income
     of subsidiaries                      (5)        (5)      (14)      (23)
    Pro forma income before
     change in accounting method         157         58       281       222
    Cumulative effect of change in
     accounting method, net              ---        ---       ---       (19)
    Pro forma net income                $157        $58      $281      $203

    Basic pro forma income per share:
    Before change in accounting
     method                            $0.35      $0.13     $0.63     $0.50
    Change in accounting method          ---        ---       ---     (0.04)
    Pro forma net income               $0.35      $0.13     $0.63     $0.46

    Diluted pro forma income per share:
    Before change in accounting
     method                            $0.35      $0.13     $0.63     $0.50
    Change in accounting method          ---        ---       ---     (0.04)
    Pro forma net income               $0.35      $0.13     $0.63     $0.46

    Basic average common shares
     outstanding                         445        441       444       440

    Diluted average common shares
     outstanding                         451        445       448       443

NOTE: The above pro forma financial information is for comparative
purposes and presented on a basis other than generally accepted
accounting principals.
This pro forma income statement excludes the gain on sale of the
Dresser-Rand joint venture and treats Dresser Equipment Group as
continuing operations.
Includes $88m gain on sale of marine vessels in the third quarter
ended and nine months ended September 30, 2000.
                             HALLIBURTON COMPANY
         Comparisons on Depreciation, Depletion & Amortization, Capex
                          and Research & Development
                               ($ in millions)

                                     3rd Qtr   3rd Qtr  Incr/   2nd Qtr Incr/
                                      2000      1999    (Decr)   2000  (Decr)
    Depreciation, Depletion &

    Depreciation, Depletion,
     Amortization of Intangibles        100      108      (8)     96      4
    Amortization of Goodwill             12        4       8       7      5
      Energy Services Group Total       112      112       0     103      9

    Depreciation, Depletion,
     Amortization of Intangibles          7        7       0       7      0
    Amortization of Goodwill              2        2       0       2      0
      Engineering & Construction Group
       Total                              9        9       0       9      0

    Depreciation, Depletion,
     Amortization of Intangibles         18       14       4      16      2
    Amortization of Goodwill              0        0       0       0      0
      Corporate Total                    18       14       4      16      2

    Total Depreciation, Depletion,
     Amortization of Intangibles        125      129      (4)    119      6
    Total Amortization of Goodwill       14        6       8       9      5
      Total Expense for Continuing
       Operations                      $139     $135      $4    $128    $11

    Depreciation, Depletion,
     Amortization of Intangibles         10       20     (10)     10      0
    Amortization of Goodwill              2        2       0       2      0
      Dresser Equipment Group Total
       (Discontinued Ops)               $12      $22    ($10)    $12     $0

      Total Depreciation, Depletion,
       Amortization Expense            $151     $157     ($6)   $140    $11

    Capital Expenditures

      Energy Services Group             163      136      27     104     59

      Engineering & Construction Group    1        9      (8)     (3)     4

      Corporate and Other                11        2       9      10      1
        Total for Continuing
         Operations                    $175     $147     $28    $111    $64

      Dresser Equipment Group
       (Discontinued Ops)                 6       19     (13)      6      0

        Total Capital Expenditures     $181     $166     $15    $117    $64

    Research and Development

      Energy Services Group              60       49      11      56      4

      Engineering & Construction Group    2        1       1       3     (1)

      Dresser Equipment Group             6        9      (3)      6      0

        Total Research and Development  $68      $59      $9     $65     $3

                             HALLIBURTON COMPANY
                                Quarters Ended
                               ($ in millions)

                                       Dec 31    Mar 31    Jun 30    Sep 30
                                        1999      2000      2000      2000

    Energy Services Group              $2,604    $2,251    $4,014    $3,801
    Engineering and Construction Group  6,541     6,076     5,527     6,065
    Backlog from Continuing
     Operations                        $9,145    $8,327    $9,541    $9,866

    Backlog from Discontinued
     Operations                        $1,022      $331      $334      $321

    Total Backlog                     $10,167    $8,658    $9,875   $10,187

SOURCE Halliburton Company

CONTACT: Guy T. Marcus, Vice President-Investor Relations of Halliburton Company, 214-978-2691/