
Halliburton: The Little Things That Count

HOUSTON, Feb 23, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Halliburton (NYSE:HAL) is releasing a TV commercial illustrating everyday services it provides American troops in Iraq that make them feel "a little closer to home."

A company spokeswoman, Wendy Hall, said, "We want to put a human face on what Halliburton is doing for our armed forces who are serving their country in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

"People often think of the 'big' things we do there -- rebuilding roads, oil fields, public facilities. We feel the 'small' things we also do, like delivering the mail and serving fresh meals to our troops, count just as much.

"That's what this commercial shows, in human terms that our troops on the ground and their families and friends -- in fact, all of us back home -- will understand and appreciate."

The 30-second spot begins with a spokesperson reflecting on memories of a composite of Halliburton employees:

"When I joined Halliburton I knew I was going to work on some big things."

Against a background of Halliburton firefighters battling flames at Iraqi oil facilities: "We put out a few fires at work."

As a sandstorm swirls around troops being re-supplied by Halliburton workers: "Once we ran into a small challenge of getting some supplies to our troops."

The narrator continues, as Iraqi school children are shown singing and clapping: "We built bridges . . . schools . . . all over the world.

"But the biggest thing?

"Serving our troops good ol' American food . . . "

Halliburton employees are shown dishing up meals for American troops as the narrator concludes:

" . . . so they'd feel just a little closer to home. Yeah."

The commercial ends with the company's customary "Halliburton: Proud to Serve Our Troops."

Halliburton did not indicate where the TV spot is being shown, but acknowledged it is another in a series of messages, print as well as broadcast, it is using to address misstatements put forward during the 2004 presidential campaigns.

SOURCE: Halliburton

CONTACT:          Halliburton, Houston
                  Wendy Hall, 713-759-2605

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SOURCE: Halliburton