
Halliburton Energy Services Introduces the Industry's First Magnetic Resonance Imaging Logging While Drilling Tool

DALLAS, May 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Halliburton Energy Services, Inc., announces the global commercialization of the oil and gas industry's first Magnetic Resonance Imaging Logging While Drilling (MRIL-WD(TM)) tool. The tool is a joint development project between Halliburton Energy Services' Sperry-Sun Drilling Services product service line and its NUMAR division. The MRIL-WD tool provides well operators with the same critical porosity and fluid information currently available with NUMAR's MRIL-Prime(TM) tool, now making this important reservoir data available during the real-time drilling phase. Halliburton Energy Services, Inc., is a business unit of Halliburton Company (NYSE: HAL).

"Halliburton revolutionized the industry with the introduction of the MRIL-Prime wireline tool, and now, with the development and commercialization of the MRIL-WD tool, Halliburton continues to show its commitment to providing customers with real-time solutions," said Jody Powers, president, Halliburton Energy Services. "Real-time MRIL data obtained from this logging while drilling device has the ability to provide the industry with the same valuable MRIL-Prime tool information much earlier than previously possible, resulting in a more timely, cost-effective method of evaluating and exploiting hydrocarbon reserves."

With the commercialization of the tool, Sperry-Sun, the industry leader in MWD and LWD reliability, and NUMAR, the leader in magnetic resonance imaging, have combined their expertise to provide total fluid-filled porosity, as well as free-fluid, capillary-bound and clay-bound water indices in the while- drilling, reconnaissance logging mode. In addition, hydrocarbon typing and permeability estimates, in the while-sliding, evaluation logging mode, are made possible. The MRIL-WD tool meets industry expectations by replicating the measurements of its wireline counterpart in the drilling environment.

"The MRIL-WD service is an elegant solution to a tough problem," said Dr. Manfred Prammer, president, NUMAR. "Without Sperry-Sun's close cooperation, this development would not have been possible. We expect to see a truly trend-setting effect on formation evaluation due to the real-time nature of the MRIL-WD tool information."

The MRIL-WD tool also has the ability to provide a measure of rock porosity that is lithology independent and does not require radioactive sources. The tool can perform fluid typing by exploiting the inherent differences in longitudinal and/or transversal relaxation times (T1 and/or T2) between the water, oil, and gas phases and can withstand the shock, vibration, and erosion associated with drilling.

Halliburton Energy Services provides products, services, and integrated solutions for oil and gas exploration, development, and production. Capabilities range from initial evaluation of producing formations to drilling, completion, production enhancement, and well maintenance -- for a single well or an entire field. With more than 300 service centers in more than 90 countries, Halliburton possesses the global perspective that is increasingly important for energy exploration and production.

Halliburton Company, founded in 1919, is the world's largest provider of products and services to the petroleum and energy industries. The company serves its customers with a broad range of products and services through its Energy Services Group and Engineering and Construction Group business segments. The company's World Wide Web site can be accessed at

SOURCE Halliburton Company

CONTACT: Wendy Hagan, Public Relations of Halliburton Company, 713-676-5619, or cell, 281-615-5691, or